Saturday, February 14, 2009

Blog interrupted...

by life...

Contrary to what Weight Watchers thinks... 
I'm not still at the Pig Fest!

I have been...

1.  On a one day retreat with 12o college students.  Three meals, snacks, a rotating schedule of overlapping activities, training, and praise & worship... exhausting!

2.  Completely overwhelmed by the fact that my director, mentor & friend is leaving SEU.  Her husband Dr. Mark Rutland, President of SEU, has been called to preside over ORU.  It was tempting to pray they wouldn't leave, but that wouldn't have been right.  The series of events leading up to this transition are clearly the work of God.  His hand has guided everything leading up to this moment and it is clear that it is His Will.

3.  When somebody leaves a position that position is filled... which means a new director for me.  Rev. Charlie Dawes will now direct FIRST Teams, which is the program I work for at SEU.  I consider the opportunity to work with Charlie a privilege & blessing.  At retreat I had an opportunity to get to know a little more about his wife and she is just a wonderful person.  A bonus... they're expecting their first baby!  Keep them in your prayers!

4.  Courtney has been sick... which was sidled by a whole other set of issues that I will be posting about soon.  She is fine now, but the issues still have me bent.

5.  Logan is getting sick now.

6.  My sister called last week and a lifelong friend of hers was murdered in front of his 3 children on Friday, February 6th, in a parking lot dispute.  Please pray for the children & family of Dutch Schwerin.  Some of you in TN may even have known him or know his family.  Absolutely senseless & tragic!

7.  Curtis & I have had 1 three hour break from work & the kids since January 6th.  Not really a break, but an opportunity to grab a meal and go purchase dress shirts for Curtis.  Other than that we have been in perpetual motion.

8.  Dieting!  Dusted off the old Weight Watchers stuff and signed up for free 1 week trial online.  I did not enjoy the online experience.  At 5'4 & 182 pounds it told me I am obese.  At first I thought it said if you eat anymore you will be obese... but no... it said I am obese now.  Oops!  Seriously... I weigh about 15 pounds more than I did in the family photo on my blog.  Good news... I'm down to 176 as of yesterday & will continue to work on it.

9.  Going through diet coke withdraw!

Ok... I'll just stop here with #9.

I have been reading everybody's blog, but haven't had time to make comments & make it through my favorites... all listed on the right side of my blog.  I'll be catching up tonight though since Curtis is working!


  1. Kim,

    Do you work at Southeastern??? I know Mark Rutland and his wife. I grew up going to their "Youth Advance" camps. I am so sorry for your lose.

    Very Cool!

  2. Good luck with the dieting!!! It is always such a battle with me. I used to be I know you can do it!!!


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