Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Romney/Ryan 2012...

Since my last post life has literally been like being on a roller coaster that never stops with unexpected accelerations, drops, twist & turns... Some of it gives you a rush & some just makes you sick to your stomach!

1. We celebrated 18 years of marriage!
2. School started.
3. I'm a middle class momma of two voting for...
Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan 2012!
4. Our nana passed {a bittersweet blessing}
5. The fact that we have a ton of...
friends who love us was confirmed!
6. We had to get the girl ready for homecoming
{another post to come... she was stunning}
7. The boy has been preparing to rest for his black belt!
8. Its an Election Year!!!
{Praise Jesus this four years is almost UP}

9. We are a middle class family...
that has been hit hard by the current administration...
10. We are a middle class family...
voting for Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan 2012!

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